Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Go Columbia!

Been a while since my last post,with all the mid-terms going on and all last few weeks have been fairly hectic. Anyhow, せんしゅうのにちようびにFashion Institute of Technology へいきましだ。Table Tennis のTournament をしましだ。This is the regional College Table Tennis tournament for New York area and both Columbia's Women and Co-ed team finished first place in this event. Giving both team a very good shot at nationals next year.
Columbia's co-ed table tennis team placed 3rd in the nationals last year, womens team also made it to the nationals, however due to a certain player on the team being a visiting student, the team was unfortunately disqualified.
Hopefully we'll perform just as well during next semester's regionals and attend nationals with both teams this year.


In celebration of our game, I'll attach the following very interesting exhibition video