Thursday, October 18, 2007


去年、私はコロンビア大学へきましだ。コロンビア大学はニューヨークの大学です。有名な大学です。そしでこの大学のcampusはとてもきれいです。でも、私の寮はきれいじゃありません、ちょっと古いです。毎日私はじゅうにじからごごはちじまでクラスへいきます。私のクラスは難しくないです、でもわたしはいつもいそがしいです。クラスへいきます、しゅうくだいをします、ともたちとあいます、classmate とべんきょします。。。

Monday, October 15, 2007


So, for today's entry, we are asked to comment on what constitute a good podcast.

honestly, I've never downloaded any podcasts, however as a medium of expression, criteria for the content of a good podcast should be somewhat similar to the criteria for a good blog entry. The difference is that for the podcast project we are given a very specific topic to follow, so besides being interesting and creative the content has to address the topic at hand.
the other aspect that affect the quality of podcast is specific to the presentation medium. If video is chosen, is the video well edited? camera nicely handled? graphic to acceptable resolution? clear audio?
and for audio presentation and the speakers speaking clearly? negligible noise from equipment?