Tuesday, November 13, 2007

last midterm

My last midterm will be taking place today from 4:10 to 5:25. This officially marks the countdown to the end to the semester. This certainly have been an interesting semester. First of all I finally got my acts together and took a class in Japanese. Although with my Non-Tech elective credits filled by IB-Mandarin, and the billion class requirements for FE major, i probably cannot afford another 5 credits in Japanese. But something tells me as long as I love watching anime, my study of Japanese is not ending here.
The most interesting portion of this semester's got to be my long habit of getting lower marks in easier classes. Between the three Math classes I'm taking this semester (Linear Algebra, Calc III and Probability ) Calc III is no doubt the easiest course being that it is a pre-requirement for the other two.Yet even without this pre-requirement, my performance in the other two classes have been acceptable; However calc III.. being my easiest class this semester by far, is definitely dragging down my grades.
Extracurricular wise, I'm very proud of Table Tennis team's achievement this semesters, especially proud of my own improvement. This is my first college level tournament and so far I've maintained a no-lose streak out of 4 games (2 singles 2 doubles). The likelihood of this result being maintained next semester is non-zero but infinitesimally small though. With the women team's captain graduating this semester, it'll entirely be up to the 4 sub 2000 (stiga ratings) member to at least obtain second place in the upcoming tournament next semester. Hopefully I'll manage to get some training in this winter.

Speaking of, Turns out that most people that are here in columbia from Vancouver ended up booking the same flight, yet again. 21st night Cathay Pacific $400 special, who could pass up on that =p.


jusdeananas said...

$400 on Cat Pac ? That's amazing !

yukki said...

You already look back this semester?! I can't think of how I'm going to survive until Thanksgiving...